NAlliancetech offers state-of-the-art enterprise solutions for streamlining and integrating different business processes to facilitate seamless collaboration and information exchange between different silos, databases, and globally scattered teams. It demystifies and simplifies the approach in enterprise-grade digital technology and cloud enablement to improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the customer.

NAlliancetech has close relations with leading global software providers and has developed in-house proficiencies in multiple enterprise softwares. It has a mature Cloud and Enterprise Modernization Centres of Excellence (CoEs) that build solutions powered by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, IBM, OpenText, SalesForceetc., for its customers.

NAlliancetech Advantages



  • As-IS IT estate assessment
  • Technology pack adoption & migration strategy
  • Blueprint for planning, design, and deployment


Certified Experts

  • Dedicated professional service team for implementation and deployment
  • Seamless transition to Managed Services team


Level 2 / Level 3 Support

  • Round the clock 24×7 assistance
  • Continuous monitoring for performance & scalability
  • Security monitoring, both proactive & reactive


Managed Services

  • Continuous monitoring & cost optimization
  • Expertise in cloud application development & management
  • Experts in cloud security management


Extended Delivery Centers (EDC)

  • 24×7 EDC operations for core customers with a strong governance structure
  • Ready framework with dedicated HR/Legal functions to jumpstart EDC operations in onshore, nearshore, and offshore models
  • Dedicated client partners to facilitate operations

NAlliancetech Offerings


  • Global partner for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud
  • AWS certified experts adept at born-in-the cloud (BIC) applications and AWS migration


  • Global partner for Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Azure certified experts proficient in engineering-led future-proof cloud adoption strategies


  • Global partner for IBM CP4BA
  • IBM certified experts in Kubernetes integrated Red Hat OpenShift orchestration platform


  • Global partner for OpenText Documentum
  • OpenText certified experts empowering customers to drive productivity and efficiency throughout the information management lifecycle


  • Global partner for Salesforce CRM
  • Salesforce certified experts with cross domain expertise, proficient in deployment of Salesforce CRM Clouds – Sales, Marketing, Financial Services, etc.


  • Accelerator-driven migration to Microsoft Power BI with least downtime
  • Expertise in solutions that connect different data sources, provide data unification, and generate immersive reports with actionable insights

Frequently Asked Questions

Cloud is here and now. It is no longer the next big thing in the IT space. Applications built over the Cloud offer the much needed flexibility and scalability for accommodating thousands of concurrent users at the same time. Application development and management can be easily handled by teams located globally. It does not require specific software configuration on the local client machines. Besides, these applications over the Cloud can be easily accessed, maintained, triaged, and trouble-shooted, anytime anywhere.

API Management involves developing and publishing application programming interfaces or APIs, controlling their access, tapping and analysing application usage statistics, and generating reports for performance management.

APIs are used to make application architecture more composable and integrable with other applications. API management is a best practice in the overall application lifecycle. It allows improving the abstraction levels of an application to offer improved integration and a strategic edge.

APIs and API management, in general, allow businesses to modernize their existing IT application landscape and offer seamless user experience, such as secure single sign-on and integrating commercial-off-the-shelf products in agile and resilient enterprise architecture.

Business requirements change from time to time and not all commercial off-the-shelf products from different OEMs offer a complete solution to business requirements. System Integrators address the business requirement to provide a complete solution. They are aware of the pros and cons of products available in the market and can tailor solutions while trying to eliminate technical debt. They help businesses to consider a wide variety of software options available and shortlist the best ones for an upgrade. However, it has to be noted that the existing investments and customizations should be easily reusable in the new environment. Maintaining continuity with a selective pick and choose between existing environment pros and the new options available in the market is a best practice. The customizations in the new environment should be over the top so that they can be easily carried forward to the next big upgrade.

For example: Migrating the SAP BO environment to MS Power BI looks like a mighty leap away from the closed SAP architecture. However, SAP BO’s current versions have limited capabilities for DIY reporting and Cloud leverage. Hence migrating to MS Power BI, which provides the limitless capability for self-service reporting sans dependency on huge IT developer teams, makes perfect business sense till SAP rolls out its agile yet rugged reporting feature that can be leveraged over the Cloud. Besides MS Power BI has the capability to reuse and accommodate the existing universes and customized semantic layers, dashboards, and reports from the As-Is environment to the To-Be environment over the Cloud.

24×7 L1, L2, L3 support is an ideal scenario in Application Management. However, the customer business has to judiciously select the preferred Application Management and Support model that suits their business requirement and budget. Businesses can opt for 8×5 and 16×5 models within the ambits of predefined SLAs and turnaround time.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

Our mission is to help your business grow through remote development talent. Reach out with any questions you have and follow us on social media to see the life of N Alliatians.



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