With new technology and methodologies evolving each day there is a need to constantly introduce new testing techniques to sustain and deliver high quality systems. Testers need to adapt and implement automated software testing to detect bugs at an accelerated pace and reduce testing time without compromising on the quality of the systems and processes before releasing to the production environment.

NAllianceTech’ robotic test automation solution, TruTest, incorporates some of the most advanced and efficient testing techniques that works with real-time data. With NAllianceTech TruTest you can run automated tests simultaneously across all environments and platforms. NAllianceTech Digital Testing suite comprises automation testing tools ranging from Big Data Testing related to big data applications, Agile Testing related to the contemporary applications, to Core Testing related to the strength of the application core. This suite in its entirety ensures tensility and sustainability of both your modern applications and bespoke legacy applications in multivariate business scenarios.



Mature Testing Practice

Engage testing expertise –

  • 15+ years of executing testing projects in complex environments
  • 120+ projects executed
  • 320+ verification & validation experts
  • 145+ experts in ISQTB, CSTE, HP, IBM


Testing Technology Enablers

Use testing enablers –

  • Selenium
  • .Net Framework
  • IBM
  • Android
  • Neotys
  • JMeter
  • Filenet
  • Azure
  • Amazon Web Services
  • and many more


Faster Time To Market

  • Reduce testing time by 40-60% and improve test case quality in parallel for accelerating the pace of application development


Automated Operations

  • Access a common platform for test and operational automation for conducting testing on fast moving and real-time data


Reduced Cost And Efforts

  • Reduce costs by 40-60% by engaging a tool agnostic framework and reduce efforts in tandem in the testing and overall software development


Improved Application Quality

  • Test real-time test data from multiple sources along with early involvement of domain experts in testing in a shift-left approach



Agile Testing

  • Meet quality assurance (QA) requirements through continuous and end-to-end testing in an agile and iterative software development environment
  • Perform testing even during implementation phase through unit tests, regression tests, exploratory tests, and test driven development


DevOps QA

  • Ensure rapid and high quality product development and deployment
  • Feed in freshly developed code in production and provide continuous software application delivery throughout the iterative application lifecycle


Cloud Testing

  • Leverage the cloud infrastructure to ensure high quality service delivery
  • Engage remote environment over the internet, in part and in entirety of the cloud application in private, public, and hybrid modes based on the business and application requirements


Big Data Testing

  • Engage data integration testing, data repository testing and analytic layer testing related to big data applications



Test Advisory Services

  • Identify gaps in existing testing techniques compared to market standards
  • Establish a roadmap to achieve the desired testing setup that will help the business reach its goal


Performance Engineering

  • Achieve the user load that the business expects
  • Initiate the performance test much earlier in the lifecycle by identifying performance bottlenecks at both code and service levels


Testing COE Building

  • Institutionalize a centralized quality assurance framework that helps the tools, methodologies, techniques and processes to deliver a flawless end-product to the customer



Test Automation

  • Engage robust test automation solutions by leveraging both open source and proprietary framework through various tools such as UFT, Selenium web driver, rational function testing, etc.


Performance Testing

  • Use performance testing techniques, which envelop an entire gamut of testing methodologies, including load, stress, soak, spike, and endurance testing to uncover system or workload defects through testing tools, such as JMeter, Loadrunner, rational performance tester, etc.


Usability Testing

  • Address all usability issues for the site through responsive testing, SEO audits, response time testing and UI / UX testing


Cross Browser Testing

  • Use advanced cross browser testing methodologies to check the compatibility of applications across multiple web browsers
  • Design an optimal browser-agnostic user experience


Compatibility Testing

  • Assure whether the software runs on different hardware configurations, operating systems, multi-cloud environments, clients, mobility devices and solutions, etc.


Functional Testing

  • Validate software applications against technical specifications and functional requirements
  • Test the main functions, primary usability, accessibility, errors / alert messages, etc.

NAlliancetech Innovative Testing Approach

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TruTest – Robotic Automation Testing

  • Test real-time data with robotic automation testing, ensure shift-left, and improve time to market
  • Test across all environments and platforms, in parallel, in real-time towards Digital Assurance


ACCELQ – AI-based Testing

  • Leverage the partnership between ACCELQ and NAlliancetech for Artificial Intelligence (AI) based testing, design-related predictive analytics, autonomic test automation, and adaptive change management
  • Use the AI-testing platform for Web & UI Testing, SSH Testing, API Test Automation, NoSQL Testing, Mainframe Automation, Message Queues, Database testing, Miscellaneous environments

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Testing allows you to improve testing time, testing quality, the application development and application management as a whole, operational costs, and overall SHIFT-LEFT not only in the Software Testing Lifecycle but also in the Software Development Lifecycle to support the DevOps paradigm.

Usually testing and development scenarios have a significant lag in between and the testing instances are a bit dated. Robotic Testing automates the acceptance testing by using development data in real-time. This enables developers to move the development instances quickly into production. Robotic Testing thus improves the overall product quality and time to market.

Robotic Testing maps the test results across the requirements, test plans, test scenarios, test data, defects, etc., in real-time. The in-built dashboards that accompany the Robotic Testing, supplement the decision-making ability of the developers and managers. Robotic Testing improves the agility of the entire Software Testing Lifecycle thus supporting the Agile methodology, which is the backbone of the DevOps paradigm and enables the development and operations to work in tandem.

The Robotic Testing paradigm can be leveraged for Cloud Testing. The cloud application can be tested remotely in real-time. The cloud applications may exist in both, public, or private cloud.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

Our mission is to help your business grow through remote development talent. Reach out with any questions you have and follow us on social media to see the life of N Alliatians.



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