The recent tryst with recurrent pandemics, infection risk due to repeated handling of paper documents, and the focus on Go Green initiatives is mandating governments, social bodies, banks, and PSU organizations to look for Digital alternatives as their paper consumption is on the higher side. Misplaced paper documents and files as well as lack of transparency, accountability, and traceability is demanding Digital Transition and a change in the protocols in which enterprises function towards a paperless Digital Office model.

NAlliancetech Digital Workplace offers a cloud-based, paperless digital eOffice solution. It can be customized and tailored to suit the widest set of business requirements including snail mail tracking and file management, digital office automation, and records management towards a remote collaborative workspace. It enables enterprises to embrace an immensely agile, safe, scalable, and future-proof business model for supporting a remote operations or work from home culture.

NAlliancetech Digital Workplace eOffice solution is powered by Cloud-based Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Intelligent Data Capture or Intelligent Data Processing or Intelligent OCR, and configurable workflows. Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) algorithms improve the classification, storage, and retrieval of the digitized data assets. A seamless User Experience Design (UXD) powered by .Net technologies offers an intuitive and strategically designed user interface.


Snail Mail / File Management and Tracking on Whitehall based file system

Correspondence / Letter Management

Office Note Management

RTI Management

Committee & Meeting Management

Integration with Circular Management Application

Digital Office Automation

Dynamic Collaboration

Dashboard & Reporting

Records Management

Document Archival


Eliminates Paper Usage

Pre-defined Escalation Matrix

Advanced Collaborative Features

Anytime Anywhere Access

Native Language Compliance

Integration With Enterprise Applications


Correspondence Management

Captures and archives all decisions throughout the lifetime of the office correspondence or snail mail

File Management

Helps in efficient movement of the digitized assets with complete accountability and audit-ability throughout the lifecycle

Office Note Management

Manage files and correspondences with electronically driven green notations

Committee & Meeting Management

Helps with system managed alerts, notifications, and reminders, with ease of creating or dissolving committees dynamically, maintaining records of the committee decisions, minutes, etc.

Collaboration & Messaging

Provides a collaborative environment with advanced features, such as chat rooms, discussion forums, etc.

Knowledge Management

Captures, maintains, and manages the information and knowledge generated through various business processes for future reference

Internal / External Query Management

Helps to adhere to the deadlines for response to queries and provides a glimpse of approaching deadline without even opening the file through visual indicators


Improved Productivity & Efficiency

Optimization Of Digital Office And Go-green Initiatives

Faster Decision Making Due To Fast Search And Faster Retrieval

Increased Security Through Multi-level Authentication

Increased Accountability Due To Usage Of Digital Signatures

Improved Cost Savings Through Reduction In Physical Spaces

Elimination Of Data Loss Due To Misplacement Or Thefts

Increased Employee Engagement In WFH Mode

Increased Revenues Due To Speedier Movement Of Files

Optimized Usage Of Man-power

Improved Processes Eliminating Pendency

Easier Tracking, Traceability, Search-ability And Retrieval

Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial Intelligence solutions enable the automation of medium to complex processes and take Robotic Process Automation to the next level. It powers predictive maintenance of heavy machines thus reducing operational costs. AI enables pattern identification with vast data volumes thus augmenting human intelligence and decision making. It improves the analytics domain to the nth extent. While Natural Language Programing (NLP) algorithms read and augmedata nt to produce analytical reports, Natural Language Generation (NLG) algorithms write sentences.

AI joins the dots from disparate data sources and discovers interesting patterns that are less visible to the human eye and intellect. Consistent variations, clustering of data points, dependencies, etc., bring forth interesting stories from the stagnant data resources. Using data, AI-enabled information mining generates hypotheses, verifies them, and deduces information. Information Mining forms the basis of Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning.

AI-powered Data Mining enables users to perform different levels of tasks –

  • Anomaly detection, where unusual patterns or outliers are thrown up, which may be errors or require deeper investigation
  • Associations, where the relationship between two or more variables are brought forth, and is frequently used in forensic investigations
  • Clustering, where data points that are similar in more than one ways are discovered
  • Classification, where known structures are generalized in order to apply to new data points; for example: Records or File Classification
  • Regression, where a function is found, which models the data and estimates the relationship between different data points
  • Summarization, where a concise summary is generated based on weighted keywords. It is popularly used for generating audit reports and executive summaries.

AI simplifies Document Management to a great extent. It enables automatic file classification or categorization as well as summarization. The files may include spreadsheets, documents, emails, PDFs, video files, audio files, social media, news, and other data types.

AI algorithms generate intelligence from high data volumes by correlating disparate data points. This data may comprise structured, unstructured, and multi-structured data.

A recent feature is AI-enabled Topic Modelling. It allows screening of huge data sets, such as reviews, emails, social media snippets, etc., and segregating them as per the predominant sentiment.

AI algorithms use weighted keywords and correlate them to generate concise summaries of lengthy documents, news articles, research papers, agreements, books, tweets, etc.

It uses two methods – Extractive and Abstractive. Extractive Summarization extracts several portions of the text and stacks them to create a summary. Abstractive Summarization uses NLP algorithms and generates a new summary.

AI-powered document summarization is used in audits, research study scenarios, social media listening, government services, etc.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

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