Industry 4.0 coupled with easily accessible internet, new technologies, technological advancements and internet trends are transforming enterprise web portals. More collaborative, socially interactive and user experience driven, they empower users to harness the potential of content, data, and design.

NAlliancetech has a dedicated practice that focuses on enterprise portal development, content management, and collaboration. NAlliancetech leverages various collaboration platforms and technologies to provide solutions that meet your enterprise’s specific needs.

A healthy amalgamation of user experience design and workflow on the backdrop of a safe and secure digital collaboration platform, NAlliancetech enterprise portal practice enables businesses to leverage their brand on the fulcrum of seamless digital user experience for their customers.

The enterprise web portal is the main identity of a business in the public domain and assumes a strong presence in the omni-channel customer interaction. Through a highly responsive design and web portal development, NAlliancetech enables brands to guide their customers’ through a unique and user-specific digital journey.

The integrated front-end and back-end enables the business to keep track of their visitors as well as leads in an agile environment and enhances the user experience through guided follow-ups across their knowledge management assets.



Portal Experience

  • 400+ Web portal projects
  • Onsite-offshore delivery model for greenfield and brownfield execution
  • In-house proprietary and COTS tools for project acceleration
  • 750 terabytes of data migration


Center of Excellence

  • Highlights the joint capability of Microsoft and NAlliancetech and are a rich source of subject matter expertise to clients
  • Design and development of online communities, collaboration spaces, shared group inboxes, intranets, KM portals, audio-video conferencing experiences


Portal Expertise

  • 10000+ Person-months of portal experience
  • 24×7 support through follow-the-sun model
  • 25% faster turnaround time
  • 40% reduced costs


Experienced & Certified Professionals

  • Cross trained teams
  • 300+ Open Source
  • 200+ SharePoint
  • 30+ Sitecore
  • 75+ Liferay, Drupal, Alresco, Episerver 7


Multi-media Aggregation & SEO

  • Unique user experience through multi-media integration and lead generation with search engine optimization


Migration, Upgrade & MDM

  • Upgrade or migrate to technology of choice
  • Consolidate, create, and manage master data



Digital Portal Development

  • NAlliancetech combines exposure and understanding of best practices with experience in enterprise application development to deliver a comprehensive portal strategy which includes user interface, content delivery, web services and portal management.
  • With a proficiency of delivering unique user journey, NAlliancetech enables businesses to deliver an enhanced user experience over their company portal.


Technology Architecture and Design

  • Based on the roadmap and architecture developed during the assessment and specification stage, NAlliancetech delivers custom-built solutions with comprehensive business logic, efficient performance, and business and technical scalability.
  • NAlliancetech lays a high focus on user experience design in line with best practices in the industry and aligned with Agile DevOps paradigm.


Enterprise Portal Development

  • NAlliancetech offers robust, reliable and secure portal development services according to the needs of the clients, for various industry verticals and their business requirements, such as Collaboration services, Document management (Digital docs and media), B2C ecommerce, Business intelligence, Knowledge management, Application and web services & Self service.


Support and Maintenance

  • NAlliancetech offers systematic maintenance of portals and websites, including updating content, graphics, other knowledge management assets as well as adding new elements, design features, and functionalities. It also provides ITIL based support in an agile environment to support the brand image.


Digital Migration

  • NAlliancetech has Centers of Excellence (CoEs) that highlight the joint capability of Microsoft and NAlliancetech and are a rich source of subject matter expertise to clients. These CoEs combine NAlliancetech industry, application, process expertise and its delivery tool-set, with Microsoft software and middleware solutions and services and enable businesses with digital migration from their existing portal.


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Microsoft SharePoint

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Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise Portals offer role-based access to authorised employees to the different enterprise assets – content, data, and business applications. It is a safe and secure platform for knowledge management, knowledge transfer, and collaboration.

API Management involves developing and publishing application programming interfaces or APIs, controlling their access, tapping and analysing application usage statistics, and generating reports for performance management.

APIs are used to make application architecture more composable and integrable with other applications. API management is a best practice in the overall application lifecycle. It allows improving the abstraction levels of an application to offer improved integration and a strategic edge.

APIs and API management, in general, allow businesses to modernize their existing IT application landscape and offer seamless user experience, such as secure single sign-on and integrating commercial-off-the-shelf products in agile and resilient enterprise architecture.

Business requirements change from time to time and not all commercial off-the-shelf products from different OEMs offer a complete solution to business requirements. System Integrators address the business requirement to provide a complete solution. They are aware of the pros and cons of products available in the market and can tailor solutions while trying to eliminate technical debt. They help businesses to consider a wide variety of software options available and shortlist the best ones for an upgrade. However, it has to be noted that the existing investments and customizations should be easily reusable in the new environment. Maintaining continuity with a selective pick and choose between existing environment pros and the new options available in the market is a best practice. The customizations in the new environment should be over the top so that they can be easily carried forward to the next big upgrade.

For example: Migrating the SAP BO environment to MS Power BI looks like a mighty leap away from the closed SAP architecture. However, SAP BO’s current versions have limited capabilities for DIY reporting and Cloud leverage. Hence migrating to MS Power BI, which provides the limitless capability for self-service reporting sans dependency on huge IT developer teams, makes perfect business sense till SAP rolls out its agile yet rugged reporting feature that can be leveraged over the Cloud. Besides MS Power BI has the capability to reuse and accommodate the existing universes and customized semantic layers, dashboards, and reports from the As-Is environment to the To-Be environment over the Cloud.

24×7 L1, L2, L3 support is an ideal scenario in Application Management. However, the customer business has to judiciously select the preferred Application Management and Support model that suits their business requirement and budget. Businesses can opt for 8×5 and 16×5 models within the ambits of predefined SLAs and turnaround time.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

Our mission is to help your business grow through remote development talent. Reach out with any questions you have and follow us on social media to see the life of N Alliatians.



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