As enterprises face the onslaught of high speed, high volume data, they need to quickly validate and integrate the data for wider organizational consumption. In order to make sense out of this Big Data conundrum, enterprises need to use Data Management solutions and make further processing and utilization simpler, scalable, and less time-consuming.

NAlliancetech’ Enterprise Data Management practice offers hybrid data management solutions with ‘Intelligence-First’ principle at the core and advocates true ‘Data Democracy’. The solutions are highly scalable and facilitate easy storage, linkage, traceability, and retrieval of data across the data lifecycle. The solutions allow enterprise processes to access data in a secure environment.

NAlliancetech’ Enterprise Data Management practice offers end-to-end data management solutions as well as point solutions to enable businesses disembark on their data to intelligence journey. The company’s enterprise data management stack ranges from consulting assignments for institutionalizing data governance to data architecture & design, data ingestion, data preparation, cloud data storage, to data consumption.



Award-winning EDM Practice

Engage an EDM partner with –

  • Global footprint comprising 275+ customers and successfully implemented EDM projects
  • Multi-domain expertise
  • 200+ certified & experienced EDM professionals
  • 27+ Cloud Architects
  • 25+ Business Intelligence & Interactive Visualization resources – MS PowerBI & Tableau


Technology Partnerships

Use renowned technologies of choice –

  • MS PowerBI
  • MS SQL Server
  • Pentaho
  • SAS
  • Tableau
  • Cognos
  • SAP BO
  • MicroStrategy
  • and much more


Consulting & Advisory

  • Engage expertise in institutionalizing Data-Architecture strategy, assessment, health-checks, Data Governance models, Business Process Re-engineering, and blue prints for highly scalable systems implementation across the data architecture framework



  • Avail implementation expertise across the data consumption continuum – Data Ingestion, Data Preparation, Data Storage, Data Consolidation, Data Integration, Data Reporting & Visualization, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Data Security, and Data Governance


Support & Professional Services

  • Engage administration, sustenance & support services across the Enterprise Data Management and the entire Enterprise Data Maintenance lifecycle right from Data Ingestion to Data Mining and Data Analytics
  • Upgrade & migrate to technology tools of choice
  • Multiple staffing models – project based, ad-hoc contracting, training & deployment


Cloud, On-Premise & Hybrid

  • Deploy various Data Deployment Models for highly agile and cost efficient Data Consumption methods across the Big Data value chain
  • Implement Hadoop powered Big Data Storages and Data Lakes for storage of multi-structured data



Data Governance

  • Establish governance models for data-ownership and stewardship to build a single source of truth in an agile environment
  • Frame the best in the class policies for collecting, storing, integrating, accessing, and analyzing Big Data and create an enriched Big Data value chain


Data Architecture & Design

  • Implement robust data collection procedures by defining proper fields & layers and storing it in a secure, accessible-form to create a clean and usable Big Data framework
  • Institutionalize the true Data Democracy paradigm


Data Ingestion

  • Extract information and integrate high volumes of multi-structured and fast moving data from different sources including enterprise systems, free text documents, portals & websites and social media
  • Build the framework in a jigsaw manner for creating a single source of truth


Data Preparation

  • Unify data using proprietary as well as COTS technology solutions for migrating, curating, integrating, and organizing it to make it ready for holistic data mining, 360 degree view of the data continuum, and pattern analysis towards data discovery


Data Storage & Indexing

  • Configure the data flow for building a scalable Big Data storage and Data Lake mechanism by using cost efficient hardware, storage devices and advanced metadata tags for seamless data storage, search, and retrieval

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Data Consumption

  • Mine the single source of truth or the curated data to derive intelligent and actionable business insights by using different methods, including data visualization, business intelligence, predictive data analytics, data science, text analytics, pattern mining, and prescriptive analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise Portals offer role-based access to authorised employees to the different enterprise assets – content, data, and business applications. It is a safe and secure platform for knowledge management, knowledge transfer, and collaboration.

API Management involves developing and publishing application programming interfaces or APIs, controlling their access, tapping and analysing application usage statistics, and generating reports for performance management.

APIs are used to make application architecture more composable and integrable with other applications. API management is a best practice in the overall application lifecycle. It allows improving the abstraction levels of an application to offer improved integration and a strategic edge.

APIs and API management, in general, allow businesses to modernize their existing IT application landscape and offer seamless user experience, such as secure single sign-on and integrating commercial-off-the-shelf products in agile and resilient enterprise architecture.

Business requirements change from time to time and not all commercial off-the-shelf products from different OEMs offer a complete solution to business requirements. System Integrators address the business requirement to provide a complete solution. They are aware of the pros and cons of products available in the market and can tailor solutions while trying to eliminate technical debt. They help businesses to consider a wide variety of software options available and shortlist the best ones for an upgrade. However, it has to be noted that the existing investments and customizations should be easily reusable in the new environment. Maintaining continuity with a selective pick and choose between existing environment pros and the new options available in the market is a best practice. The customizations in the new environment should be over the top so that they can be easily carried forward to the next big upgrade.

For example: Migrating the SAP BO environment to MS Power BI looks like a mighty leap away from the closed SAP architecture. However, SAP BO’s current versions have limited capabilities for DIY reporting and Cloud leverage. Hence migrating to MS Power BI, which provides the limitless capability for self-service reporting sans dependency on huge IT developer teams, makes perfect business sense till SAP rolls out its agile yet rugged reporting feature that can be leveraged over the Cloud. Besides MS Power BI has the capability to reuse and accommodate the existing universes and customized semantic layers, dashboards, and reports from the As-Is environment to the To-Be environment over the Cloud.

24×7 L1, L2, L3 support is an ideal scenario in Application Management. However, the customer business has to judiciously select the preferred Application Management and Support model that suits their business requirement and budget. Businesses can opt for 8×5 and 16×5 models within the ambits of predefined SLAs and turnaround time.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

Our mission is to help your business grow through remote development talent. Reach out with any questions you have and follow us on social media to see the life of N Alliatians.



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