NAlliancetech Big Data & Analytics services help build intelligent solutions for data-driven businesses. NAlliancetech offers data management, business intelligence, data visualization, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence solutions with ‘Intelligence-First’ principle at the core and advocates true ‘Data Democracy’.

NAlliancetech Big Data and Analytics services enable companies to work with high volume multi-structured data including, structured, semi-structured, and unstructured by using Big Data and Analytics solutions.

With domain expertise in Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Finance & Accounting, and Research & Analytics across industries, the company enables businesses to store, manage, and monetize data with actionable insights. With strategic partnerships with vendors in the cloud and data storage, and data management space, NAlliancetech offers solutions across the data lifecycle.

NAlliancetech Big Data and Analytics services enable businesses augment large and diverse data sets to discover specific patterns, correlate data points, and uncover hidden insights. With the most prevalent use in consumer behaviour analytics, predictive analytics, and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning enabled forensic data research, NAlliancetech enables businesses to scale the next level.



Research & Analytics

Demystify Consumer Behaviour with Insight Mining using a uniquely blended competence in Marketing Research and Technology

Unify high volume multi-structured data towards a 360 degree holistic view of consumer behavior

Conduct predictive and prescriptive analysis with statistical data modelling and big data analytics services


Enterprise Data Management

Facilitate easy storage, linkage, traceability, and retrieval of data across the data lifecycle

Establish data governance model for storage, management, access, and data analytics within a safe and secure environment

Ensure cost-efficient data consumption along with high levels of data searchability and traceability


Big Data & Data Lakes

Enable enterprises to gain access to real-time business insights by re-configuring their big data sources. and their data storage

Institutionalize on-cloud or on-premise data models as per business requirement

Integrate big data platforms with proprietary as well as contemporary COTS data visualization tools


Business Intelligence & Data Visualization - TruBI

Engage with the next-generation visual analytics solution at your finger tips

Use self-service analytics techniques for 360 degree analytical view of data

Engage with an intuitive interactive data visualization

Use interoperable data visualization solution to create on-demand and customized dashboards


Advanced Analytics & Data Sciences

Gain competitive edge with solutions across data analytics lifecycle from descriptive, diagnostic, predictive to prescriptive

Perform faster data validations with data analytics solutions

Perform enhanced time series analysis

Generate highly customizable dashboards

Perform deep analytics using complex, distributed architectures and advanced data modelling techniques


Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences - TruAI

Use a comprehensive AI platform that helps enterprises leverage use cases related to pattern detection, text & data mining

Use AI and ML algorithms for information analytics and high precision data mining

Generate traceable patterns with better accuracy and relevancy by using natural language processing, advanced data analytics, advanced text analytics, stream analytics, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Big Data Analytics is the use of specific advanced analytics techniques on big data or extremely high volume dataset to generate business insights. It starts with data collection through pre-defined templates and forms, followed by data curation, data processing, through data analysis. It allows to process structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data, join the dots to see the bigger picture, and to take data-driven, informed decisions.

Data Lakes are huge, centralized data reservoirs, which allow to store structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data at scale in As-Is format and from where different analytics programs, machine learning sequences, visualizations, and dashboards can be launched for better business decision making.

Big Data Analytics taps into huge data reservoirs to generate business insights. Visualization tools, such as TruBI, allow users to work with high data volumes and thousands of concurrent users to graphically represent data and bring out the underlying data story. The interactive visual elements allow users to understand the trends and patterns in the data and pinpoint the outliers.

Big Data and Big Data Analytics provide the vast datasets and analyses for TruAI, in specific, or AI / ML algorithms, in general, to learn from and generate sharper insights, which are not evident from slicing-dicing and analytics.

Big Data Analytics and AI/ML are symbiotic. AI/ML learns from Big Data and Big Data Analytics to get better at unsupervised learning and decision making. While Big Data Analytics leverages AI/ML to offer vivid analyses and better decision making power.

The combination of Big Data Analytics and AI/ML can be used holistically in all data-intensive sectors, such as Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), Healthcare, Communication, Media, and Entertainment (CME), Education Technology, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management, Energy & Natural Resources, and Government & Public Sector Units.

Amit Mahajan
N Alliance Tech Commercial Director

Our mission is to help your business grow through remote development talent. Reach out with any questions you have and follow us on social media to see the life of N Alliatians.



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